Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I am so grateful for all the wonderful examples I have had of the most amazing moms and women who have mothered me in one way or another.  I knew--like, capital "K" knew--growing up that I had the best mom ever, and I am even more convinced of that now.  And I have an absolutely wonderful mother-in-law who was obviously an incredible mom to her four boys. 
But I also think of my aunts - specifically my mom's three sisters - who always felt like second moms to me.  None of them ever married or had children but there is no question in my mind that they have been mothers, not just to me and my siblings by being at almost all of our most important life events like holidays, birthdays, baptisms, weddings, graduations, community theater performances, recitals, vacations, camping trips, etc., but to the countless other people whose lives they have touched as they have served and cared for and opened their hearts to extended family and friends.  I also think of my grandma who suffers from Alzheimer's and how much I love her.  And of friends and roomates and mission companions who have been and are examples of motherhood to me, whether they are mothers or not and whether they know it or not.  And I think about Kayli and Tabby and am filled with overwhelming love and admiration for them.  I think about Kayli's mom teaching me how to give Clara her first bath in the hospital and clipping Clara's newborn fingernails for the first time and opening their home to us when we were there for Clara's birth. 
The world is just so full of amazing women who are great examples of mothers and I feel very fortunate to know so many of them.

I certainly am blessed this Mother's Day.


  1. What an uplifting post!! Happy Mother's Day to a great mom!

  2. Beautiful. And I love the bangs :)


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