Wednesday, September 14, 2011

To snooze or not to snooze? That is the question.

Lately our little Clara Jane has decided that she had enough of this "being-a-good-sleeper" nonsense and has started waking up every couple of hours all night long.  It is kind of killing me.  Clara has also become very, very loud.  Every time I wake up to her squawking (she kind of hollers and shouts at us from her crib rather than crying - it is like the infant equivalent of "Hey!  You people who give me the food and kiss my face all day long!  Yes, you two, get in here please and take care of me!" rather than a sad wailing) I roll out of bed with both a groan and a laugh because her nighttime vociferations are pretty hilarious even if they are inopportunely timed for a decent night's rest on my part.

Paul lovingly suggested the other morning as he was departing for work that I ought to try taking a nap during the day, to which I barked that I don't sleep while the sun is up.  (I may have been just a touch grouchy after an 11:30 bedtime followed by 1:30, 3:30 and 5:30 feedings).  Then I said I was sorry and gave him a kiss before he headed out the door and told him that I will sleep when I die.  And I really sort of feel that way.  I find it next to impossible to take a nap during the daytime unless I am so exhausted that it happens accidentally (e.g., at the table while reading scriptures or on the floor when I am checking email while Clara sleeps next to me.). 

Because during the daytime, even if Clara is sleeping there is so much to do:  Christmas presents to be made, dishes to be washed, a slumbering baby to gaze at adoringly, Halloween costumes to be sewn, books to be read, miles to be run or stairs to be climbed, toenails to be painted, emails and blog posts to be written, laundry to be folded, dinner to be made, shopping to be done, bottles to be washed, languages to be learned, etc.  Some things must be done and others are of course only things that I would like to do, so I am not exactly complaining, but any way you slice, I would pretty much rather do anything during the day other than sleep.  I don't want to miss out on even a sliver of Life because my eyes were closed - it is too beautiful for that. 


  1. I love my naps (on the rare occasion I get them) especially after spending three hours of the night trying to get a wide awake baby to go to sleep. But during those 45 min. Emma does sleep I'm usually getting something done. Oh well. Too soon they won't need me to tuck them into bed.

  2. I feel your pain Amy. When Colton was sick a few weeks ago it completely ruined his good sleeping habits. Since he was sick I went in to take care of him when he cried, and he's decided that was pretty awesome. His crying isn't even hollering or squawking - he shouts as loudly as he can force the air out of his lungs. Yesterday night I told Dave that it truly sounded like he was angry at us. If he knew the right words he'd probably be swearing at us... It's such a good thing kids are cute enough during the day to make up for bad behavior at nighttime!

  3. Every two hours! That's awful. Maybe it's a growth spurt? I hope Elliott doesn't decide to do that (the not sleeping, not the growth spurt).

  4. I know how you feel. Our boys have been both having a hard time staying in bed at night. I feel like I have a "newborn" again. I hope it is just a faze for Clara and you get some more sleep at night soon. Hang in there.

  5. Amy, I totally know how you feel! While Claire doesn't wake up every 2 hours, she does wake up twice during the night before I'm ready to get up for the day, and it has been leaving me exhausted! Only in the past few days have I actually done half the things I want to rather than take a nap. This is why we have yet to hang out! It's so hard deciding whether to sleep or work. My grouchiness has chosen sleep though.

  6. I wish my reasons for not napping were as inspiring as yours. Instead it is usually just a loud 4 year old who insists that I "WAKE UP!!!!"


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