Monday, April 9, 2012


Paul mowed the lawn right after he got home from work on Monday evening and between mowing the back and front lawns, he took a break to let Clara have her first tangy taste of the stem of the mustard flower.  The lighting was insanely beautiful and it was so joyful sitting there in the freshly cut grass of the backyard with the two people I love most in this world.  I ran inside and grabbed the camera to snap a few quick photos.

Clara finds it hilarious when Paul puffs his cheeks out them blows the air out in a gust like he is doing in the last photo.  I find it hilarious when Paul wears all-plaid (which he does ALL the time since he has couple of favorite plaid shirts and he has two different plaid shorts that are also his favorites).  I used to complain, but he explained that it is just the Scot in him coming out and so I let it go unless we are going somewhere other than Home Depot. 

Afterwards we had leftover ham with macaroni and cheese for dinner with cut-up bananas and strawberries for dessert (Clara ate it all, but especially liked the ham).  It was a perfectly blissful evening.


  1. Nights like those are the best! I love her cute little hair!

  2. Clara looks like such alittle girl in the photo of just her and her little teeth are just visible. I love nights like that.

  3. Your little girl is the cutest! I love her hair!

  4. This is what I feel like I am missing out on in life... These things...


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