Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Miss August

Little Miss was VERY cooperative for her August photo shoot once I gave her an apple from the tree in the backyard.  She loves those things. 

Clara had a 15-month well-baby check-up with the doctor the other week.  She weighs 21 lbs. 6 oz. (27th percentile) and is 30 and 3/4 inches tall (61st percentile).  She was pretty upset about the two shots she had to get in her little thigh.

We've been dealing with a fussy spell lately but I'm almost certain that the cause was the three molars that have broken through.  Clara has a new molar in each upper gum and one molar on the lower left side. 

She talks lots and lots but doesn't have many really solid words yet even though she attempts new words seemingly all the time.  Her best words are cheese, dada, no, woof, moo, amen and mama.  I recognize when she is saying stinky, ee-ee-ee (her monkey sound), night-night and banana.  There are a number of words that she has made obvious attempts at saying but can't quite get the hang of like Jessica, I love you and Kayli.


  1. she is just so adorable!


  2. These pictures are SO cute. Clara has the sweetest little smile, I love it! Her dress is super cute too.


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