Monday, October 5, 2009


I am burying this post behind the Egypt post that is going up later today with the thought that perhaps not as many people will read this slightly embarassing but still sharable confession.

I like watching ANTM. And so I find myself critiquing photos of me with a little Tyra Banks on my shoulder saying things like "Girl, this photo would have been fierce if you had just stretched your neck out like this," or "You always have to remember your angles. Its about your arms and elbows and neck. Modeling is your whole body." or "Smile with your eyes." And then I remember I am not a model and I feel kind of sheepish for these thoughts.

But the next time I am posing for a photo I try to improve.


  1. I love that show! Totally know what you mean- I always think about my angles now and I've actually conciously thought before when having my photo taken that I need to tilt my chin down so I don't give what Tyra calls an up the nose shot.

  2. LOL! I can't wait to see you guys this weekend! Do you need a ride from or to the airport? :)


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