Monday, May 21, 2012

Clara's First Year Video

Photos from Clara's birthday party are still to come, but for now, here is a video I made celebrating her first year with some never before seen video footage of her.  In case anyone is wondering, the music is "Sleep" by Vekstar, "Little Girl" by Angela Predhomme, and "Love Love Love" by Vekstar. 

Also, I got a phone call today letting us know that our profile is now live again on the itsaboutlove website.  You can check it out by clicking here.  We'll talk more about that in a future post. 



  1. this was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.

  2. This was awesome! It's amazing how much babies change in that first year of life. Glad she likes her birthday card.

  3. Such an adorable video! Sophie Bugs and I enjoyed it! Every time Clara giggled so did Bugs! =) It is crazy how fast they've grown. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARA!!

  4. I can't believe it has already been a year! Look at her walk! She is adorable. Happy Birthday Clara!

  5. This is fantastic! Just watched it with my two girls who were totally mesmerized. "I like it when she giggles!" What a sweetie, and what a great year. You guys are the best.

  6. I can't imagine how you felt making this video because it made ME get tears in my eyes!!

    I have been wanting to make a video like this of Noah's first year, and now you've really inspired me!

  7. That first year just goes by SO fast! Loved the video.

  8. Clara has grown so much since last May. (of course, that is to be expected:)Still can't believe it.

  9. She has grown so much in the last year! How can it have already been so long?:)


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