Friday, October 3, 2008


Sometimes I feel lonely. Like the summer I was 11 and all the other girls turned 12 in the spring so I went to Primary by myself for 6 months while they went to Girls' Camp. Or my sophmore, junior AND senior years of high school in North Platte, Nebraska. Or yesterday when I found out that literally my last married-but-no-kids-yet friend is pregnant. I so admire and respect and love my friends who have kids. They are wonderful examples for me. Not being able to have children doesn't make me sad or depressed or angry or even jealous. But sometimes it makes me feel lonely.


  1. Hey- I'm happy to send my boys to keep you company any time :o)

  2. This post just reminds me how long we've known each other, because I remember that summer when you were 11 and I also remember all those years you were in North Platte. We sent lots of letters back and forth. I remember coming to visit you in North Platte, you coming to visit CA, and to American Fork. Those were fun times! I am sorry to hear you are feeling lonely.

  3. I can see how that feeling would happen. It it makes you feel better, in a month you'll have another married-with-no-kids friend :)

  4. You are one of the strongest people I know.

  5. Just wanted to let you know I *kinda* know how you feel - due to medical reasons, Mike and I may not be able to have kids on our own and in that case we will adopt. When I hear of another pregnant friend, I am so happy for them but at the same time so bummed that my decision will NEVER be that easy - we won't be able to wake up one day and say "do you want to make a baby?!" I don't even know if I want kids right now but I certainly wish I had the option!


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